Rising Above the Fray

Michelle Lindblom
5 min readJun 4, 2020
“Landscape Revelations”, acrylic by Michelle Lindblom, artist


Hozho — a concept found in Navajo Native American culture. This idea references the interconnectedness between beauty, harmony and goodness in all things physical and spiritual. Resulting in health and well being for all things and beings.

In education, Hozho is a construct that asks the learner to embrace their surroundings, actions, interactions and their being. In addition, focuses on spirituality and self awareness, being a part of the universe.

A strive for balance.

Walking in Her Beauty.

As my daughter struggled with her substance use disorder, she was on a continual journey, opening up and feeling the underlying beauty of her experiences. With each relapse, obstacle, loss, trying days in recovery and self discovery, she began recognizing the hopeful prospects of how learning to manage her anxieties, depression, and trauma empower her to rise above the fray.

Embracing those lived experiences as vital to her being, was allowing her to walk in the beauty that is her life. She was becoming part of the universe and striking her balance.

As I Rise

Writing about addiction and mental health issues from the perspective of an artist and parent has become a positive coping mechanism for me. Using words…

