Navigating the Shadows, acrylic on canvas created by artist Michelle Lindblom

When the Rage is Real

Michelle Lindblom
5 min readFeb 25, 2023


Releasing —

Rage lingers within

someone is being unnecessarily wounded.

That rage comes up for air.

If suppressed it expands

getting out of control.

A crotchety man mumbling about having to wait in line.

That blonde bitch, he blurts out.

But its not her fault.

She was just trying to use a gift card.

Cash machine malfunctioned.


I want to kick his ass.

But I stand down.

It’s not worth my time.

Don’t know the backstory

But there is always one or two or many.

I let it go.

Everyday Occurrences of Rage

On one of my infrequent trips to Costco, there was a person brushing her teeth in the Costco women’s restroom. She had several bags with her and appeared a bit disheveled. That was my quick observation. As I was walking out of the restroom, a woman angrily marched out to get a manager. Several Costco employees came walking briskly passed me.

